jeudi 28 mai 2015

Merci à facebook

Grâce à son téléphone, nous pouvons échanger avec Niyma. Je poste ici des brides de conversion pour vous, nous aider à réaliser la situation.
-difficulté pour se comprendre
-difficulté car la situation change de jour en jour
-difficulté car notre ami s'occupe de sa communauté mais a aussi une famille....
-difficulté car nous ne fonctionnons pas pareil et ne construisons pas les projets pareil..

Nico :hello bro. I am thinking about you today with nepal information. The heartbreaking. How do you feel???? are you ok????familly????? Tomorrow we are going in marocco and i hope having news about you when we will come back in 15 days. I hope it s ok…

Nima : Nsmaste bro I miss a lot you and your family. Now we are safe all people. But land and all house are damage

Nico: Namasté bro. We just arrived from maroocco. I have news with my parent et with martuschka. I have just seen damage about old syabru. You and your family are in life, it is a reallyt good news.
We know that there are people under tent in village. What do you need quickly? Money and you buy in KTM what you need ? Do you need drugs medicament? Some clothes ?

Nima : Namaste!!!brother,I m well and now safe all my family and our village people. Yes now very sad about no house no land because all thing is damage. Yes brother I got some thing got rice and dal. So I think now I need help but I ask to difficult say every young. I think is posibel sent some money for now time brother . when I got this money I selling by to some.more food and some close.

Yes when I get from you I take rice some close dal for our village people and old Shybru bensi. I it is good but she cantorl all thing. I think direct sent help from you good for people.

Now very soon raning season. Yes need for close. Send me your number I call

namaste! ok for tomorrow western union? i will give you 40 000 rpies in the mornibg (maybe 11h00 for you) ; i will give you the number of transaction by phone number. give me confirmation???

Namaste!!! Brother hope full is there every family are well. Thanks a lot from your news.

This from your side big support for our peoples.
46 038,54 roupies

I go to bank Chek ok
ok ! your are going now?
i stay inline and give me confirmation


k, good. Martuschka say That you think about leave syabru with all familly??

Yes bro i try to take save place

Becuse so stay difuculd in shybru becuse lansild. Aftter monsoon we back again shybru
again shybru


Are you anxious for him? Today, it was better for him??

Because he's fell is very down
Tack? What means?

In hospital
Ok. Bad news. What do you think he has??

Because I show here doctor but here not possible for small children
Ok, it is à good idea. So, gîve me news When you Know. Tomorrow, it Will be à good Day bro!!!!

Yes when I arrive in hospital in Ktm I tell y

Be couragous, We Will built à New nepal, it is difficult but you are à good And strong communauti

Yes bro big happen problam all pepole they mising there thing there house and land, place. I try to make cool heart and feel. And life
Yes....a difficult time.... For our project, friday, i Will no sent money. When your meeting Will decided à plan for Children communauti, We Will see. Actually, be with your Child, it is thé most important....And gîve news about him...
Don t forget your wife, it should be difficult for strong bro...

Ok bro thank you your imformtion
No problème, We rest in contact.... Be strong, see you Tomorrow!!!!

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